• 5 December 2011, Monday
  • Moscow, Moscow, 6 Bersenevskaya naberezhnaya, Bldg. 3, Floor 3.

TechCrunch Moscow 2011 Startup Battle

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4534 дня назад
5 December 2011, начало в 0:00
Moscow, 6 Bersenevskaya naberezhnaya, Bldg. 3, Floor 3.

Prepare to be crunched! December 5th, 2011, at Digital October Center.

Digital October Center and Glavstart are looking for the candidates for the second TechCrunch Moscow Startup Battle.

















The perfect candidates should satisfy the following selection criteria:

  • Relatively new project,
  • Able to demonstrate a working prototype or an alpha of the product,
  • Ready to pitch and answer questions in English.

We shall be looking for startups worthy of TechCrunch, so get ready for tough competition.

To submit your application, please fill out the form below before November 15th, 2011.



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